15 January 2012


Wow, what a first week of school! From the slightly boring beginnings of American Literature to gessoing a 5x5 foot canvas, I've experienced it all this week.
Here's a breakdown of my classes for future reference:
Intro to Bible A run-of-the-mill commom core class. Extremely intelligent, soft-spoken professor. Assignments include critical essays on specific books on the Bible.
Writing for Electronic Media Small class, awesome professor. Practical lessons on writing in a job-seeking and self-promoting way that will be put to use both now and post-college. Assignments include creating a resume, CV, and website.
Drawing II Not much to say here since I have no idea what makes Drawing II different than Drawing I. Study of drawing in relation to textures and line; assignments include blind contours.
Zumba My choice for the required HPE class. Extremely fun considering I'm in there with a few friends and I'm not the worst dancer. Good workout, laugh-inducing booty shakes.
American Literature II Survery of American Lit from roughly Civil War days to present. From all accounts, a volatile professor. Hum-drum class. Assignments include weekly quizes, author presentations, and a day of teaching class.
Advanced Composition A class centered on writing in it's most writing-est form. Semester theme is "Cultures", emphasis on personal sub-culture for whole of semester. Research paper approach. Professor so much like my older brother that I really can't help but love him. Professor sadistically claims loving to put his students to hard work. Assignments include 20+ page research paper on personal subculture and weekly reader responses and writing activities.
Advanced Painting Workshop Highest level of painting class prior to senior research. At this point, I get to do whatever the heck I want, as long as I turn in a certain number of inches at three different points this semester. Professor has been advisor, painting, and drawing instructor since freshman year. Assignments include turning in a weekly summary and reader response per chapter of Art and Fear by Bayles and Orland. This class is basically fun-time for me.
There they are- the sources of my upcoming stress, sleepless night, incurable joys, and hopeful victories.

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