17 August 2009

Recentness (in process)

I realize that I still have not gone over my trip to New York.
The NY trip was very exciting for me for many reasons.
1. This trip was going to be the first and the furthest that I had taken completely independent of my family. No, cousins do not count.
2. It's kind of a big city.
3. I would get to meet some real live FOT. Live. And in person.
And in every way the trip didn't disappoint.
:::Day 1:::
Once we landed at LaGaurdia we waited outside for a cab. A uniformed man who stood outside near the cab terminal offered us the use of a limo instead. After a little haggling and figuring, we stood at riding in a limo costing about the same as taking the taxi, so we complied and were escorted to a shiny black stretch limo. It was my first limo ride, and it was a little exciting for me to be able to experience it in none other than New York City.
Our hotel room was small and modern-looking. There was a painting on the wall that showed a lady CRYING. This confused me. What could be less comforting and welcoming than a girl crying?
Plus, she wore garish red lipstick.
We went straight out of our room and onto Times Sq., to which our hotel was very close. A real life New York City hotdog was eaten, and the Hershey and M&M's stores were explored.

We then rode the subway to Canal Street, where we bought some illegal goods.
I decided where we would eat dinner that night: A place out on Pier 66 that supposedly had a pretty view of NJ. We walked there, much to the grumbling of my cousins, and it was a nice long walk by the Hudson.
The restaurant was worth the walk, the food was excellent and the people were super nice. And did I mention the view was spectacular?

:::Day 2:::
Wednesday was a day of nerves for me; I was meeting FOT's Forrest and Andrew for lunch. Before lunch comes breakfast, though. And an apple I had. We then walked all around Times Sq. again.

When lunchtime came around, Forrest met us and we walked to the restaurant of choice, Say Cheese. Andrew was to meet us there. We met, and upon entering the eatery the owner came up to us and apologetically admitted that one of her ovens broke. We provided a few words of comfort and moved to the diner down the street. The food was pretty good but the service wasn't.
Andrew was to give me a little tour of NYC that was Bonnie-friendly (i.e. books, music, curiosities). Lunch was fun, and it was great being able to meet the esteemed Forrest.

The cousins decided to go to a place called Francine's Attic or something- it is not NY specific and I have completely forgotten the name- oh well. Anyway, they decided to part ways with us. So Andrew and I went on our merry little way. The heavens opened up and poured forth rain, so we had a bit of fun running and getting soaked. I was embarrassed because my umbrella dripped inside The Strand, even though they had provided a baggie to keep the water off the floor. Oh no! The bookstore employees must not think of me as a careless, casual book-observer who doesn't care if she drips water all over the place, wetting the corners of the tomes. So I stuffed the umbrella, wet baggie and all, into my purse, taking a soggy messenger bag over the scorn of a bookstore employee. Now, The Strand was a magnificent place in which I could have easily spent hours.

And the picture is only the basement of the store.
Our last stop of the evening was The Upright Citizens Brigade to see the live broadcast of WFMU show 7 Second Delay. Possibly the best $5 I've ever spent.

The tour went wonderfully and I still can't thank Andrew more for being so nice and patient.
After that, I walked to TGI Fridays to eat with the cousins. I had a Jack Daniels burger, which was very yummy.

:::Day 3:::
The next morning we went out for breakfast at a little place called Bean and Bagel. Or Bagel and Bean. Either way, it was very affordable. I had a smoothie, a banana, and two pieces of toast. And a cup of coffee.
It was during breakfast I realized that I had not visited one art gallery or museum since arriving. Granted, we were only there for 3 days, but I felt guilty at not visiting some of the art institutions.
I confessed my worry to Tasha, Holly, and Julie, and they assured me that it would be alright to them if I spent the afternoon apart from them at the MoMA. We decided to go on to Soho, then split from there.
We went to Soho in search for a costume jewelry store that I had heard of. Unfortunately it was nowhere in sight; my thoughts conclude that said store no longer exists in that area.
We did, however, find the Scholastic Store!

I got to see a dear friend of mine. A friend who provided laughs during many a tough time. A friend who is also...a Captain who wears only underpants.
You got it- Captain Underpants!

After that, we split up and I walked to the subway to make my way back to MoMA ground.
I enjoyed walking through Soho, it was nicely kept and on the quieter side.

I found the subway and rode back to where we came from, then proceeded to make my way to the museum.
I found the museum with no problem, and walked up to the very top floor, planning to work my way back down to the ground floor. I also hoped that by the time I got to the ground, it would be 4:30, the time I was to meet FOT Matt at the entrance.
It was a lot of fun getting to see very good paintings. It was neat to see the famous paintings too, although did you know that Dali's Persistence of Memory is actually a tiny painting? I didn't either, until I saw it. Actually, you know what? I don't think I did see it- I think I noticed its smallness in a Sister Wendy art history documentary. So disregard the fact I said it was in the MoMA. I don't think it is.
Before I met Matt I had enough time to browse the museum store, which had truckloads of cool stuff. I bought a drainstop that had a boat made out of a map attached to it, so that when you plug the bathtub drain, you automatically get a little toy floating boat with it!

1 comment:

  1. I like that you got a picture of you purchasing a real NYC hot dog from a real NYC hot dog stand. My breath is baited for a picture of you arguing with a real NYC denizen over whose cab it really is. "Howsaboutit, I'm New Yawk. Look at those I-talians. I'm walkin' here. Heys yus guys, it's Mayor Koch" Etc.


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