I love this. I miss New York. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to land an internship with Scholastic in NYC next summer. If I can, I think it'd be really really cool if I could crash with someone in the city for the summer. I'll have to use my "connections", which means getting in touch with people I know live there and seeing if they know anyone willing to rent out a room, a couch, or a place to hang my hammock. Is it a stretch? Perhaps.
Worst case scenario: Nothing will work out and I have to live in Rome and skate with the Rome Rollergirls, which would be hecka-awesome. :)
Bonnie, you were my first blipper, I like your music choices, the one I really liked was Shock and Awe, anyway, NYC is a great School, I hope it works for you, our son is in NY at IONA college, BIO. Pre MED Major. I hope to see your art some day, my name is Harold Gerletti, it's on Facebook, check out my art, it's free, and maybe our son can show you around NYC. Anything is possible. Good luck. Blip name tuneholic