17 February 2011

Sweet sticky stuff and Amazing Grace

My time in South Africa (three weeks this past Tuesday!) has been so great thus far! I love putting on my slip-slops (flip-flops) or takkies (sneakers) and setting out on my half-hour walk into Rondebosch, where the UCT campus awaits me.
Last night was especially wonderful, as Andre made for us a Brazilian dessert.

Andre's Brigadeiro
Empty a can of condensed milk into a hot pan, add a little milk
Throw in a spoonful of butter
Pour chocolate powder to taste
Stir stir stir till it becomes as thick as Nutella!

As you can imagine, it is super sweet. It is really delicious with bananas mixed in.

I wanted to share an entrItalicy I made in my journal this morning.
It seems like simply being away from my normal situations and distractions are teaching me things about myself every single day. I think because my heart is more open and vulnerable ("A broken and contrite heart, O Lord, You will not despise") God is being heard all the more plainly. A veil is being lifted- the old, extravagent love I once bore for my Father is being rediscovered. Love begins to fill every aspect of my day-to-day living and experiences...reading a good book has become like reading a love letter. In a book by Shannon Etheridge, the author says,
"His world, my world, is overflowing with personal gifts from a personal God who loves me like no other can. Look around your world, and notice how certain aspects of God's creation seem to have your name written on them, as if God is saying, 'This is for you, especially from Me.'"
It's alot like being dated, I suppose....except instead of the constant nagging question of "Will he love me tomorrow?" there is a peace to be found nowehere else but in the unconditional love of Christ.
That whole thing with Hosea and his whore-wife? Totally seeing that whole bit in the Bible clearer than ever. While God uses Hosea's unconditional love and pursuit of his wife to parallel His own love for Isreal, it's also a beautiful reflection of God's hot, passionate, relentless, grace-filled pursuit of us.
"Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new one has begun!" 2 Cor 5:17

1 comment:

  1. Oh, to understand the awesome grace of Jesus! "My faithful Father, enduring Friend! Your tender mercy's like a river with no end. It overwhelms me, covers my sin. Each time I come into Your presence I stand in wonder once again. Your grace still amazes me, Your love, is still a mystery. Each day I fall on my knees 'cause Your grace still amazes me. Your grace still amazes me. O patient Savior, You make me whole. You are the Author and the Healer of my soul. What can I give You? Lord, what can I say? I know there's no way to repay You, only to offer You my praise. Your grace... it's deeper, it's wider, it's stronger, it's higher than anything my eyes can see. Your grace still amazes me....!"


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